Bell Long Distance

International long distance saver

Take advantage of our lowest long distance rates to over 200 countries around the world, starting at $0.05/min. Valid only when calls are made from Canada. Airtime charges apply.
500 Canada minutes
Unlimited Canada minutes
500 Canada to U.S. minutes
Unlimited Canada to U.S. minutes
500 international minutes
1000 international minutes
Calls within Canada 50¢/minute + airtime
Calls to the US 50¢/minute + airtime
Calls in the US (local) $1.45/minute
Calls in the US (long distance) $1.45/minute
Calls received in the US $1.45/minute
Calls while roaming internationally Zone 1: $2.00/minute
Zone 2: $3.00/minute
Zone 3 and 4: $3.50/minute
Zone 5/Cuba : $2.00/minute
Offshore Roaming (ships, satellite & aeronautical) $3.50/minute (cruise ships, in-flight services)
Text Messages received within Canada 20¢/message
Text Messages sent within Canada 20¢/message
Text Messages sent to the U.S. 20¢/message
Text Messages sent internationally 35¢/message
Text Messages received while roaming outside of Canada 75¢/message
Text Messages sent while roaming outside of Canada 75¢/message